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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
301 저널기사 Early School Exposure, Test Scores, and Noncognitive Outcomes 미리보기
Cornelissen, Thomas; Dustmann, Christian American Economic Association 2019
302 저널기사 Leader Selection and Service Delivery in Community Groups: Experimental Evidence from Uganda 미리보기
Deserranno, Erika; Stryjan, Miri; Sulaiman, Munshi American Economic Association 2019
303 저널기사 Socializing at Work: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Manufacturing Workers 미리보기
Park, Sangyoon American Economic Association 2019
304 저널기사 Some Evidence on Secular Drivers of US Safe Real Rates 미리보기
Lunsford, Kurt G.; West, Kenneth D. American Economic Association 2019
305 저널기사 Estimating the Value of Public Insurance Using Complementary Private Insurance 미리보기
Cabral, Marika; Cullen, Mark R. American Economic Association 2019
306 저널기사 Public Spillovers from Private Insurance Contracting: Physician Responses to Managed Care 미리보기
Richards, Michael R.; Tello-Trillo, D. Sebastian American Economic Association 2019
307 저널기사 Tax Evasion and Inequality 미리보기
Alstadsæter, Annette; Johannesen, Niels; Zucman, Gabriel American Economic Association 2019
308 저널기사 Health Care Spending and Utilization in Public and Private Medicare 미리보기
Curto, Vilsa; Einav, Liran; Finkelstein, Amy; Levin, Jonathan; Bhattacharya, Jay American Economic Association 2019
309 저널기사 Labor Drops: Experimental Evidence on the Return to Additional Labor in Microenterprises 미리보기
de Mel, Suresh; McKenzie, David; Woodruff, Christopher American Economic Association 2019
310 저널기사 Wealth Distribution and Social Mobility in the US: A Quantitative Approach 미리보기
Benhabib, Jess; Bisin, Alberto; Luo, Mi American Economic Association 2019
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