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51 저널기사 The Expanded Skills Confidence Inventory: Measuring basic dimensions of vocational activity 미리보기
Betz, N. E.; Borgen, F. H.; Rottinghaus, P.; Paulsen, A.; Halper, C. R.; Harmon, L. W. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
52 저널기사 The outcomes of effective career discussion at work 미리보기
Kidd, J. M.; Jackson, C.; Hirsh, W. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
53 저널기사 Diversity, flexibility, and career interventions 미리보기
Walsh, W. B. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
54 저널기사 Does treatment modality affect career counseling effectiveness? 미리보기
Whiston, S. C.; Brecheisen, B. K.; Stephens, J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
55 저널기사 The family career development project in Chinese Canadian families 미리보기
Young, R. A.; Ball, J.; Valach, L.; Turkel, H.; Wong, Y. S. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
56 저널기사 Compromise in career decision making: A test of Gottfredson's theory 미리보기
Blanchard, C. A.; Lichtenberg, J. W. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
57 저널기사 Perceived benefits of using an Internet-based interactive career planning system 미리보기
Gati, I.; Kleiman, T.; Saka, N.; Zakai, A. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
58 저널기사 Planning ahead: college seniors' concerns about career-marriage conflict 미리보기
Barnett, R. C.; Gareis, K. C.; James, J. B.; Steele, J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
59 저널기사 Self-efficacy and interest: Experimental studies of optimal incompetence 미리보기
Silvia, P. J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
60 저널기사 Sustaining work force inclusion and well-being of mothers on public assistance: Individual deficit and social ecology perspectives 미리보기
Kossek, E. E.; Huber, M. S. Q.; Lerner, J. V. ACADEMIC PRESS 2003
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