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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Do Managers Disclose or Withhold Bad News? Evidence from Short Interest 미리보기
Bao, Dichu; Kim, Yongtae; Mian, G. Mujtaba; Su, Lixin American Accounting Association. 2019
72 저널기사 Too Busy or Well-Connected? Evidence from a Shock to Multiple Directorships 미리보기
Brown, Anna Bergman; Dai, Jing; Zur, Emanuel American Accounting Association. 2019
73 저널기사 Tax Aggressiveness and Corporate Transparency 미리보기
Balakrishnan, Karthik; Blouin, Jennifer L.; Guay, Wayne R. American Accounting Association. 2019
74 저널기사 Tax Uncertainty and Incremental Tax Avoidance 미리보기
Guenther, David A.; Wilson, Ryan J.; Wu, Kaishu American Accounting Association. 2019
75 저널기사 CEO Materialism and Corporate Social Responsibility 미리보기
Davidson, Robert H.; Dey, Aiyesha; Smith, Abbie J. American Accounting Association. 2019
76 저널기사 The Book of the Art of Trade 미리보기
Rackliffe, Usha; Waymire, Gregory B. American Accounting Association. 2019
77 저널기사 The Pricing and Performance of Supercharged IPOs 미리보기
Edwards, Alexander; Hutchens, Michelle; Rego, Sonja Olhoft American Accounting Association. 2019
78 저널기사 What's in a Name? Initial Evidence of U.S. Audit Partner Identification Using Difference-in-Differences Analyses 미리보기
Cunningham, Lauren M.; Li, Chan; Stein, Sarah E.; Wright, Nicole S. American Accounting Association. 2019
79 저널기사 Accounting Conservatism and Incentives: Intertemporal Considerations 미리보기
Glover, Jonathan C.; Lin, Haijin H. American Accounting Association. 2018
80 저널기사 Is Silence Golden? Audit Team Leader Reactions to Subordinates Who Speak Up ``In the Moment'' and at Performance Appraisal 미리보기
Nelson, Mark W.; Proell, Chad A. American Accounting Association. 2018
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