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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
13,718건 중 500건 출력
47/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
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American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
461 저널기사 The YggX Protein of Salmonella enterica Is Involved in Fe(II) Trafficking and Minimizes the DNA Damage Caused by Hydroxyl Radicals. RESIDUE CYS-7 IS ESSENTIAL FOR YggX FUNCTION/ 미리보기
Gralnick, J. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
462 저널기사 Inhibition of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Sensitizes Vascular Endothelial Cells to Cytokine-initiated Cathepsin-dependent Apoptosis/ 미리보기
Madge, L. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
463 저널기사 Rigidity of Collagen Fibrils Controls Collagen Gel-induced Down-regulation of Focal Adhesion Complex Proteins Mediated by alpha~2beta~1 Integrin/ 미리보기
Wang, Y.-K American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
464 저널기사 Pulmonary Surfactant Protein-A (SP-A) Restores the Surface Properties of Surfactant after Oxidation by a Mechanism That Requires the Cys^6 Interchain Disulfide Bond and the Phospholipid Binding Domain/ 미리보기
Capote, K. R American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
465 저널기사 A Hyaluronan Binding Link Protein Gene Family Whose Members Are Physically Linked Adjacent to Chrondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan Core Protein Genes. THE MISSING LINKS/ 미리보기
Spicer, A. P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
466 저널기사 Evidence in Support of a Docking Model for the Release of the Transcription Factor sigma^F from the Antisigma Factor SpoIIAB in Bacillus subtilis/ 미리보기
Ho, M. S American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
467 저널기사 Binding of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR) to the Mannose 6-Phosphate/Insulin-like Growth Factor II Receptor. CONTRASTING INTERACTIONS OF FULL-LENGTH AND SOLUBLE FORMS OF uPAR/ 미리보기
Kreiling, J. L American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
468 저널기사 Structural Basis for Variation in Adenovirus Affinity for the Cellular Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor/ 미리보기
Howitt, J American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
469 저널기사 Peptide Binding Induces Large Scale Changes in Interdomain Mobility in Human Pin1/ 미리보기
Jacobs, D. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
470 저널기사 ERK 1/2- and JNKs-dependent Synthesis of Interleukins 6 and 8 by Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes Stimulated with Protein I/II, a Modulin from Oral Streptococci, Requires Focal Adhesion Kinase/ 미리보기
Neff, L American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
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