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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Solvothermal synthesis of titanium phosphides via sodium co-reduction of PCl3 and TiCl4/ 미리보기
Qian, Y.; Gu, Y. Chen, L.; Gu, H. Chapman and Hall 2003
52 저널기사 Experimental approaches to study vascularization in tissue engineering and biomaterial applications/ 미리보기
Kirkpatrick, C. J Chapman and Hall 2003
53 저널기사 Enhanced HAPEX topography: Comparison of osteoblast response to established cement/ 미리보기
Dalby, M. J Chapman and Hall 2003
54 저널기사 Indentation creep of antimonial lead alloys/ 미리보기
Mahmudi, R. Roumina, R. Raeisinia, B.; Chapman and Hall 2003
55 저널기사 Engineered articular cartilage: influence of the scaffold on cell phenotype and proliferation/ 미리보기
Gigante, A Chapman and Hall 2003
56 저널기사 Ceramics for chemical sensing/ 미리보기
Park, C. O. Akbar, S. A. Chapman and Hall 2003
57 저널기사 Modeling of mechanical behavior of brass at high strain rates/ 미리보기
Wang, Y. Xia, Y. Chapman and Hall 2003
58 저널기사 Contents by Keyword/ 미리보기
Chapman and Hall 2003
59 저널기사 Characterization of the a-Al(FeMn)Si nuclei on b-AlFeSi intermetallics by laser scanning confocal microscopy/ 미리보기
Kuijpers, N. C. van der Zwaag, S. Hanlon, D. N.; Tirel, J.; Chapman and Hall 2003
60 저널기사 Erratum/ 미리보기
Chapman and Hall 2003
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