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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Numerical simulation of natural convection between two elliptical cylinders using DQ method/ 미리보기
Zhu, Y. D Pergamon Press 2004
52 저널기사 Mathematical modelling of two-phase flow in a vertical well considering paraffin deposits and external heat exchange/ 미리보기
Shagapov, V. S Pergamon Press 2004
53 저널기사 Development of a new Biot number and lag factor correlation for drying applications/ 미리보기
Dincer, I Pergamon Press 2004
54 저널기사 Analysis of heat and mass transfer between air and falling film in a cross flow configuration/ 미리보기
Ali, A Pergamon Press 2004
55 저널기사 Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave thawing of frozen layer using a microwave oven (effects of layered configurations and layer thickness)/ 미리보기
Rattanadecho, P Pergamon Press 2004
56 저널기사 Multiple-scale analysis of oscillatory thermocapillary convection of high Prandtl number fluids in a rectangular cavity/ 미리보기
Lai, C. L Pergamon Press 2004
57 저널기사 Mixed convection boundary layer flow over a thin vertical cylinder with localized injection/suction and cooling/heating/ 미리보기
Kumari, M Pergamon Press 2004
58 저널기사 Modeling of turbulent opposed-jet mixing flows with k~-~ model and second-order closure/ 미리보기
Chou, C. P Pergamon Press 2004
59 저널기사 A new method for numerical simulation of thermal contact resistance in cylindrical coordinates/ 미리보기
Zhang, X Pergamon Press 2004
60 저널기사 Numerical investigation of a transient free jet resembling a laser-produced vapor jet/ 미리보기
Arshed, G. M Pergamon Press 2004
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