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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Obstruction of Justice: Unwarranted Expansion of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c) (1) 미리보기
Schrup, S.O. Williams & Wilkins 2012
52 저널기사 Beyond Procedural Justice: A Dialogic Approach to Legitimacy in Criminal Justice 미리보기
Bottoms, A.; Tankebe, J. Williams & Wilkins 2012
53 저널기사 Queer (In)Justice: Mapping New Gay (Scholarly) Agendas 미리보기
Shay, G.; Strader, J.K. Williams & Wilkins 2012
54 저널기사 Is the Exclusionary Rule Dead? 미리보기
Bradley, C.M. Williams & Wilkins 2012
55 저널기사 The Responsible Gun Ownership Ordinance and Novel Textual Questions About the Second Amendment 미리보기
McGovern, O. Williams & Wilkins 2012
56 저널기사 Why Do Criminals Obey the Law? The Influence of Legitimacy and Social Networks on Active Gun Offenders 미리보기
Papachristos, A.V.; Meares, T.L.; Fagan, J. Williams & Wilkins 2012
57 저널기사 Overcoming Overcriminalization 미리보기
Smith, S.F. Williams & Wilkins 2012
58 저널기사 Punishment Without Culpability 미리보기
Stinneford, J.F. Williams & Wilkins 2012
59 저널기사 Reconsidering the Mistake of Law Defense 미리보기
Meese, E.; Larkin, P.J. Williams & Wilkins 2012
60 저널기사 A View from the States: Evidence-Based Public Safety Legislation 미리보기
James, J.; Eisen, L.-B.; Subramanian, R. Williams & Wilkins 2012
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