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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 IMA'S YEAR IN REVIEW. 미리보기
Institute of Management Accountants 2022
2 저널기사 アカデミズムに何が起きているのか? : 学術雑誌・査読論文の今昔(第18回)査読者探しの効率化のために : Review CommonsとPublons 미리보기
佐藤 翔 中央經濟社 2022
3 저널기사 Accountability for the Misuse of Provided Weapons in the Framework of the New European Peace Facility 미리보기
Stefania Rutigliano Kluwer Law International 2022
4 저널기사 Accountability through public participation? Experiences from the ten-thousand-citizen review in Nanjing, China 미리보기
Yanwei Li ; Xiaolei Qin ; Joop Koppenjan Cambridge University Press 2022
5 저널기사 Untouchable Perpetrators, Forgotten Rights, Transitional Justice, Corporate Accountability and Socio-Economic Rights Lessons from Argentina by Laura García Martín (review) 미리보기
Rosario Figari Layús Johns Hopkins University Press 2022
6 저널기사 Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Missing Attributes 미리보기
I. Chakraborty ; M. Kim ; K. Sudhir American Marketing Association] 2022
7 저널기사 Book review: Accountability in the Economic and Monetary Union: Foundations, Policy, and Governance, by Menelaos Markakis. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020) 미리보기
Diane Fromage Kluwer Law International 2021
8 저널기사 The making and unmaking of Tarlabasi, Istanbul: an account of territorial stigmatisation 미리보기
Can, Aysegul Liverpool University Press 2021
9 저널기사 UNMARKED GRAVES: Death and Survival in the Anti-Communist Violence in East Java, Indonesia\THE END OF SILENCE: Accounts of the 1965 Genocide in Indonesia. 미리보기
ROOSA JOHN University of British Columbia [etc.] 2021
10 저널기사 Large Current Account Deficits and Neglected Vulnerabilities 미리보기
José Daniel Aromí Palgrave Macmillan 2021
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