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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 The Equilibrium Relationships between Performance-Based Pay, Performance, and the Commission and Detection of Fraudulent Misreporting 미리보기
Qiu, Buhui; Slezak, Steve L. American Accounting Association. 2019
92 저널기사 Do Analysts Say Anything About Earnings Without Revising Their Earnings Forecasts? 미리보기
Berger, Philip G.; Ham, Charles G.; Kaplan, Zachary R. American Accounting Association. 2019
93 저널기사 Banks' Asset Reporting Frequency and Capital Regulation: An Analysis of Discretionary Use of Fair-Value Accounting 미리보기
Corona, Carlos; Nan, Lin; Zhang, Gaoqing American Accounting Association. 2019
94 저널기사 When Does Tax Avoidance Result in Tax Uncertainty? 미리보기
Dyreng, Scott D.; Hanlon, Michelle; Maydew, Edward L. American Accounting Association. 2019
95 저널기사 Biased Boards 미리보기
Baldenius, Tim; Meng, Xiaojing; Qiu, Lin American Accounting Association. 2019
96 저널기사 Executive Extraversion: Career and Firm Outcomes 미리보기
Green, T. Clifton; Jame, Russell; Lock, Brandon American Accounting Association. 2019
97 저널기사 Managers' Cultural Background and Disclosure Attributes 미리보기
Brochet, Francois; Miller, Gregory S.; Naranjo, Patricia; Yu, Gwen American Accounting Association. 2019
98 저널기사 Who Consumes Firm Disclosures? Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls 미리보기
Heinrichs, Anne; Park, Jihwon; Soltes, Eugene F. American Accounting Association. 2019
99 저널기사 Information Provision, Voter Coordination, and Electoral Accountability: Evidence from Mexican Social Networks 미리보기
Arias, Eric; Balán, Pablo; Larreguy, Horacio; Marshall, John; Querubín, Pablo American Political Science Association 2019
100 저널기사 Audit Office Experience with SOX 404(b) Filers and SOX 404 Audit Quality 미리보기
Anantharaman, Divya; Wans, Nader American Accounting Association. 2019
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