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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Regulator-Cited Cooperation Credit and Firm Value: Evidence from Enforcement Actions 미리보기
Files, Rebecca; Martin, Gerald S.; Rasmussen, Stephanie J. American Accounting Association. 2019
102 저널기사 Pathway to an Integrated Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 미리보기
Botosan, Christine A. American Accounting Association. 2019
103 저널기사 Restrictions on Managers' Outside Employment Opportunities and Asymmetric Disclosure of Bad versus Good News 미리보기
Ali, Ashiq; Li, Ningzhong; Zhang, Weining American Accounting Association. 2019
104 저널기사 Media Coverage of Corporate Taxes 미리보기
Chen, Shannon; Schuchard, Kathleen; Stomberg, Bridget American Accounting Association. 2019
105 저널기사 The Joint Effects of Internal Auditors' Approach and Persuasion Tactics on Managers' Responses to Internal Audit Advice 미리보기
Brown, Timothy; Fanning, Kirsten American Accounting Association. 2019
106 저널기사 The Effect of Information Opacity and Accounting Irregularities on Personal Lending Relationships: Evidence from Lender and Manager Co-Migration 미리보기
Khan, Urooj; Li, Xinlei; Williams, Christopher D.; Wittenberg-Moerman, Regina American Accounting Association. 2019
107 저널기사 Investor Sentiment for Corporate Social Performance 미리보기
Naughton, James P.; Wang, Clare; Yeung, Ira American Accounting Association. 2019
108 저널기사 Earnings Management and Earnings Quality: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Beyer, Anne; Guttman, Ilan; Marinovic, Iván American Accounting Association. 2019
109 저널기사 Performance Contingencies in CEO Equity Awards and Debt Contracting 미리보기
Bizjak, John M.; Kalpathy, Swaminathan L.; Mihov, Vassil T. American Accounting Association. 2019
110 저널기사 The Value Relevance of Managers' and Auditors' Disclosures About Material Measurement Uncertainty 미리보기
Dennis, Sean A.; Griffin, Jeremy B.; Zehms, Karla M. American Accounting Association. 2019
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