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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Correction: The partisan context of parliamentary questions: a study of opposition behavior in the danish parliament 미리보기
Rebecca Eissler ; Christoffer Green-Pedersen ; Matt W. Loftis ; Peter B. Mortensen ; Annelise Russell Boom 2023
162 저널기사 Seeing the world through party-tinted glasses: performance evaluations and winner status in shaping political trust under high polarization 미리보기
Marta Kołczyńska ; Ireneusz Sadowski Boom 2023
163 저널기사 How ideology shapes the relationship between populist attitudes and support for liberal democratic values. Evidence from Spain 미리보기
Marc Guinjoan Boom 2023
164 저널기사 Nativism, civic nationalism and the malleability of voter attitudes 미리보기
Glenn Kefford ; Benjamin Moffitt ; Annika Werner Boom 2023
165 저널기사 Generations and the changing character of support for European unification in the Netherlands: a research note 미리보기
Roderik Rekker ; Wouter van der Brug Boom 2023
166 저널기사 The predictive value of polls in a fragmented multi-party system: the Netherlands (1998–2021) 미리보기
Tom W. G. van der Meer ; Lisa Janssen ; Tom Louwerse Boom 2023
167 저널기사 Stephen M Jones, Advancing a circular economy: a future without waste? Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-66563-0, €49.99 미리보기
Yushi Xiao ; Jie Wu Boom 2023
168 저널기사 Political parties and deliberation: from challenges to opportunities 미리보기
Sergiu Gherghina ; Sorina Soare ; Vincent Jacquet Boom 2023
169 저널기사 Why political parties use deliberation: a framework for analysis 미리보기
Sergiu Gherghina ; Vincent Jacquet Boom 2023
170 저널기사 Hacking the representative system through deliberation? The organization of the Agora party in Brussels 미리보기
Nino Junius ; Didier Caluwaerts ; Joke Matthieu ; Silvia Erzeel Boom 2023
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