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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
421 저널기사 Re-examining Gender Earning Differentials in Malaysian Manufacturing 미리보기
Jia-Qi Cheong ; Suresh Narayanan ; Jacqueline Lisa Fernandez MIT Press 2022
422 저널기사 Estimating the Impact of Cumulative Rules of Origin on Trade Costs: An Application to Mega-regional Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region 미리보기
Chul Chung ; Innwon Park ; Soonchan Park MIT Press 2022
423 저널기사 Frontier Technology,  Trade,  FDI,  and TFP in the Electrical and Electronic Industries: Exporting or Processing Trade? 미리보기
Noor Aini Khalifah MIT Press 2022
424 저널기사 How Important Are Russia's External Economic Links? 미리보기
Iikka Korhonen ; Heli Simola MIT Press 2022
425 저널기사 Rethinking Sri Lanka's Industrialization Strategy:  Achievements,  Lost Opportunities and Prospects 미리보기
Prema-chandra Athukorala MIT Press 2022
426 저널기사 When Poverty Reduction Meets Democracy: An Investigation into the Use of  Different Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of  a Social Program 미리보기
Peng Zhan ; Shi Li ; Yangyang Shen ; Xiaobing Wang MIT Press 2022
427 저널기사 Premature Deindustrialization Risk in Asian Latecomer Developing Economies 미리보기
Hiroyuki Taguchi ; Yuta Tsukada MIT Press 2022
428 저널기사 East Asian Production Networks Go Beyond the Gravity Prediction 미리보기
Mitsuyo Ando ; Fukunari Kimura ; Kenta Yamanouchi MIT Press 2022
429 저널기사 Digital Transformation and Risk Differentiation in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Chinese Commercial Banks 미리보기
Xinran Cao ; Boyu Han ; Yiping Huang ; Xuanli Xie MIT Press 2022
430 저널기사 The Effect of Observability on Professed Moral Values and Pro-social Behavior in an Asian Context: An Experimental Study 미리보기
Kean-Siang Ch'ng ; Suresh Narayanan MIT Press 2022
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
