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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
471 저널기사 Malnutrition pathway for the impact of in utero drought shock on child growth indicators in rural households 미리보기
Olukorede Abiona Cambridge University Press 2022
472 저널기사 Regulators and environmental groups: better together or apart? 미리보기
Ana Espinola-Arredondo ; Eleni Stathopoulou ; Felix Munoz-Garcia Cambridge University Press 2022
473 저널기사 Beyond the nation-state narrative: an empirical inquiry into the cross-country and cross-income-group carbon consumption patterns 미리보기
Ying Chen ; Güney Işıkara Cambridge University Press 2022
474 저널기사 Fire takes no vacation: impact of fires on tourism 미리보기
Vladimir Otrachshenko ; Luis C. Nunes Cambridge University Press 2022
475 저널기사 Land rental market and rural household efficiency in China 미리보기
Jean Paul Chavas ; Guanming Shi ; Xiangyi Meng Cambridge University Press 2022
476 저널기사 Transboundary air pollution and health: evidence from East Asia 미리보기
Jaehyun Jung ; Anna Choi ; Semee Yoon Cambridge University Press 2022
477 저널기사 Air pollution trade-offs in developing countries: an empirical model of health effects in Goa, India 미리보기
Sanghamitra Das ; Vikram Dayal ; Anand Murugesan ; Uma Rajarathnam Cambridge University Press 2022
478 저널기사 Environmental incentives facing private information 미리보기
Franz Wirl Cambridge University Press 2022
479 저널기사 The role of nonzero conjectural variation in pollution abatement and output in the design of emission taxes 미리보기
Luis Gautier Cambridge University Press 2022
480 저널기사 The impact of the COVID-19 enforced lockdown and fiscal package on the South African economy and environment: a preliminary analysis 미리보기
Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu ; Martin Henseler ; Ramos Mabugu ; Helene Maisonnave Cambridge University Press 2022
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
