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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Litigation Risk and Voluntary Disclosure: Evidence from Legal Changes 미리보기
Houston, Joel F.; Lin, Chen; Liu, Sibo; Wei, Lai American Accounting Association. 2019
62 저널기사 Tax Avoidance at Public Corporations Driven by Shareholder Taxes: Evidence from Changes in Dividend Tax Policy 미리보기
Amiram, Dan; Bauer, Andrew M.; Frank, Mary Margaret American Accounting Association. 2019
63 저널기사 The Effects of Auditor Tenure on Fraud and Its Detection 미리보기
Patterson, Evelyn R.; Smith, J. Reed; Tiras, Samuel L. American Accounting Association. 2019
64 저널기사 Foreign Institutional Investors and Corporate Voluntary Disclosure Around the World 미리보기
Tsang, Albert; Xie, Fei; Xin, Xiangang American Accounting Association. 2019
65 저널기사 Big N Auditors and Audit Quality: New Evidence from Quasi-Experiments 미리보기
Jiang, John; Wang, Isabel Yanyan; Wang, K. Philip American Accounting Association. 2019
66 저널기사 The Economics of Managerial Taxes and Corporate Risk-Taking 미리보기
Armstrong, Christopher S.; Glaeser, Stephen; Huang, Sterling; Taylor, Daniel J. American Accounting Association. 2019
67 저널기사 Friends in Need Are Friends Indeed: An Analysis of Social Ties between Financial Analysts and Mutual Fund Managers 미리보기
Gu, Zhaoyang; Li, Zengquan; Yang, Yong George; Li, Guangqing American Accounting Association. 2019
68 저널기사 Accounting Manipulation, Peer Pressure, and Internal Control 미리보기
Gao, Pingyang; Zhang, Gaoqing American Accounting Association. 2019
69 저널기사 The Big Four: The Curious Past and Perilous Future of the Global Accounting Monopoly 미리보기
Simunic, Dan A. American Accounting Association. 2019
70 저널기사 The Role of Sell-Side Analysts after Accusations of Managerial Misconduct 미리보기
Jennings, Jared American Accounting Association. 2019
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