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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
8건 중 8건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
Dugger, W. M 삭제
Dugger, W. M 삭제
Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Bruce Kogut, ed.: The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance 미리보기
Dugger, W.M. Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2013
2 저널기사 Sebastian Berger and Rolf Steppacher (eds.): The Foundations of Institutional Economics, by K. William Kapp 미리보기
Dugger, W.M. Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2012
3 저널기사 Veblenian Institutionalism: The Changing Concepts of Inquiry 미리보기
Dugger, W. M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
4 저널기사 John Groenewegen, Christos Pitelis, and Sven-Erik Sjostrand, eds.: On Economic Institutions: Theory and Applications 미리보기
Dugger, W. M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
5 저널기사 Sovereignty in Transaction Cost Economics: John R. Commons and Oliver E.Williamson 미리보기
Dugger, W. M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
6 저널기사 Oliver E. Williamson: The Mechanisms of Governance 미리보기
Dugger, W. M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
7 저널기사 Institutionalist and Marxist Theories of Evolution 미리보기
Dugger, W. M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
8 저널기사 Lee J. Alston, Thrainn Eggertsson, and Douglass C. North, eds.: Empirical Studies in Institutional Change 미리보기
Dugger, W. M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1980
