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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
243건 중 243건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Editorial Board EOV 미리보기
unknown M.E. Sharpe 2017
62 저널기사 Evolving Through the Decades: The RMA Journal Celebrates 100 Years 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2017
63 저널기사 Fraud, Plot, or Collective Delusion? Social Media and Perceptions of Electoral Misconduct in the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2017
64 저널기사 Measuring Efficiency in Redistricting 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2017
65 저널기사 Foreword: New Approaches for Regulating Money in Politics 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2017
66 저널기사 Scrutinizing Independent Expenditure Limits: A Case Against Super-Strict Scrutiny 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2017
67 저널기사 United States Confronts China over Seizure of Unmanned Drone in the South China Sea 미리보기
unknown American Society of International Law [etc.] 2017
68 저널기사 Erratum 미리보기
unknown North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. V 2017
69 저널기사 Is the Supreme Court at Odds with Itself When It Comes to Democracy? A Look at the Disparities Between Crawford and Citizens United 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2017
70 저널기사 The Deliberative Case for Constitutional Referenda 미리보기
unknown M.A. Liebert 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
