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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
176건 중 176건 출력
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unknown 삭제
Regional Science Research Institute 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Spatial Econometrics: Statistical Foundations and Applications to Regional Convergence, by Giuseppe Arbia 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
72 저널기사 Jane Jacobs: Urban Visionary, by Alice Sparberg Alexiou 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
73 저널기사 The Geography of Transportation Systems, edited by Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois, and Brian Slack 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
74 저널기사 The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization, edited by Giovanna Vertova 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
75 저널기사 Inside the Mosaic, edited by Eric Fong 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
76 저널기사 Alleviating Urban Traffic Congestion, by Richard Arnott, Tilmann Rave, and Ronnie Schob 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
77 저널기사 Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 4, Cities and Geography, edited by J. Vernon Henderson and Jacques-Francois Thisse 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
78 저널기사 Don't Call It Sprawl: Metropolitan Structure in the Twenty-First Century, by William T. (Tom) Bogart 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
79 저널기사 The Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks, edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and James E. Moore, II 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
80 저널기사 The End of Peasantry? The Disintegration of Rural Russia, by Grigory Ioffe, Tatyana Nefedova, and Ilya Zaslavsky 미리보기
unknown Regional Science Research Institute 2007
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
