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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 단행본 The economic structure of international law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Joel P. Trachtman Harvard University Press 2008
12 단행본 Intellectual property rights, innovation and software technologies:the economics of monopoly rights and knowledge disclosure 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Elad Harrison Edward Elgar 2008
13 단행본 The development agenda: global intellectual property and developing countries 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Neil Weinstock Netanel Oxford University Press 2008
14 단행본 The United Nations system:coordinating its economic and social work 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Martin Hill Cambridge University Press 2008
15 단행본 The lawyer's guide:to buying, selling, merging, and closing a law practice 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Sarina A. Butler, Richard G. Paszkiet, editors American Bar Association 2008
16 단행본 The role of law in Korean economic development 미리보기
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Park Nohyoung Korea Legislation Research Institute 2008
17 단행본 Ascent to freedom:practical and philosophical foundations of democratic world law 미리보기
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Glen T. Martin Institute for Economic democracy Press 2008
18 단행본 Remix:making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy 미리보기
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Lawrence Lessig Penguin Press 2008
19 단행본 Classics in corporate law and economics 미리보기
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edited by Jonathan Macey Edward Elgar 2008
20 단행본 Law and capitalism:what corporate crises reveal about legal systems and economic development around the world 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Curtis J. Milhaupt, Katharina Pistor University of Chicago Press 2008 URL
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