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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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2010 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 단행본 The institutions of the enlarged European Union:continuity and change 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Edward Best, Thomas Christiansen, Pierpaolo Settembri Edward Elgar 2010
12 단행본 Third World Attitudes Toward International Law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
D. S. Pradhan MD Publications 2010
13 단행본 Industrializing English law:entrepreneurship and business organization, 1720-1844 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Ron Harris Cambridge University Press 2010
14 단행본 Courting social justice:judicial enforcement of social and economic rights in the developing world 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Varun Gauri, Daniel M. Brinks Cambridge University Press 2010 URL
15 단행본 The WTO case law of 2008:legal and economic analysis 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis Cambridge University Press 2010
16 단행본 Ex-post liability rules in modern patent law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Rosa Castro Bernieri Intersentia 2010
17 단행본 Health systems governance in Europe:the role of EU law and policy 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Elias Mossialos ... [et al.] Cambridge University Press 2010 URL
18 단행본 Law, economics, and morality 미리보기
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Eyal Zamir, Barak Medina Oxford University Press 2010
19 단행본 Competition law and economics:advances in competition policy enforcement in the EU and North America 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Abel M. Mateus and Teresa Moreira Edward Elgar 2010
20 단행본 China, India, and the international economic order 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
[edited by] Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah, Jiangyu Wang Cambridge University Press 2010 URL
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