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21 단행본 Managing to the new regulatory reality:doing business under the Dodd-Frank Act 미리보기
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Gregory P. Wilson Wiley 2011 URL
22 단행본 Family law services handbook:the role of the financial expert 미리보기
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Donald A. Glenn ... [et al.] J. Wiley 2011
23 단행본 Essentials of intellectual property:law, economics, and strategy 미리보기
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Alexander I. Poltorak, Paul J. Lerner Wiley 2011 URL
24 단행본 Essentials of the Dodd-Frank Act 미리보기
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Sanjay Anand Wiley 2011 URL
25 단행본 Evidence and procedures for boundary location 미리보기
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Walter G. Robillard, Donald A. Wilson, Curtis M. Brown John Wiley & Sons 2011
26 단행본 Regulation of securities, markets, and transactions:a guide to the new environment 미리보기
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Patrick S. Collins Wiley 2011 URL
27 단행본 Intellectual property:valuation, exploitation and infringement damages : 2011 cumulative supplement 미리보기
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Russell L. Parr, Gordon V. Smith Wiley ; John Wiley [distributor] 2011
28 단행본 Nonprofit law for colleges and universities:essential questions and answers for officers, directors, and advisors 미리보기
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Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg John Wiley & Sons 2011 URL
29 단행본 The law of tax-exempt healthcare organizations:third edition: 2011 supplement 미리보기
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Thomas K. Hyatt, Bruce R. Hopkins Wiley ; John Wiley [distributor] 2011
30 단행본 The tax law of charitable giving:fourth edition : 2011 cumulative supplement 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Bruce R. Hopkins Wiley ; John Wiley [distributor] 2011
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