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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
638건 중 500건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 단행본 Information technology law : the law and society 미리보기
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Andrew Murray, Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science Oxford University Press 2013
32 단행본 Principles of international economic law 미리보기
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Matthias Herdegen Oxford University Press 2013
33 단행본 International law 미리보기
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Jan Klabbers Cambridge University Press 2013
34 단행본 The language of law and economics : a dictionary 미리보기
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Francesco Parisi Cambridge University Press 2013
35 단행본 State aid and the European economic constitution 미리보기
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Francesco de Cecco Hart Pub. 2013
36 단행본 Pharmaceutical innovation, competition and patent law : a trilateral perspective 미리보기
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edited by Josef Drexl, Director, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich, Germanyl; Nari Lee, Professor of Intell Edward Elgar 2013
37 단행본 Rising inequality in China : challenges to a harmonious society 미리보기
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edited by Li shi, Hiroshi Sato, Terry Sicular Cambridge University Press 2013 초록
38 단행본 Comparative patent remedies : a legal and economic analysis 미리보기
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Thomas F. Cotter Oxford University Press 2013
39 단행본 Legal problems of international economic relations : documents supplement 미리보기
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by John H.Jackson, William J.Davey, Alan O.Sykes,Jr West 2013
40 단행본 Law and development and the global discourses of legal transfers 미리보기
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edited by John Gillespie and Pip Nicholson Cambridge University Press 2012
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