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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 HAVENS, "Farm and Nation in Modern Japan: Agrarian Nationalism, 1870-1940" (Book Review) 미리보기
SHILLONY, BEN-AMI Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
82 저널기사 KAUFMANN, (Norbu, trans. from the Tibetan), "Tibetan Buddhist Chant: Musical Notations and Interpretations of a Song Book by the bKah-rGyud-Pa and Sa-sKya-Pa Sects" (Book Review) 미리보기
MOLNAR, AUGUSTA M. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
83 저널기사 Narrative Structure and the Problem of Chapter Nine in the "Hsi-yu Chi" 미리보기
YU, ANTHONY C. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
84 저널기사 KIM, (trans. and ed.), "Post-War Korean Short Stories: An Anthology" (Book Review) 미리보기
PIHL, MARSHAL R. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
85 저널기사 GOLANT, "The Long Afternoon: British India 1601-1947" (Book Review) 미리보기
CASE, MARGARET Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
86 저널기사 MORLEY, (ed.), "Japan's Foreign Policy, 1868-1941: A Research Guide" (Book Review) 미리보기
CONROY, HILARY Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
87 저널기사 NAM, "The North Korean Communist Leadership, 1945-1965: A Study of Factionalism and Political Consolidation" (Book Review) 미리보기
KOH, B. C. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
88 저널기사 CHANG, "Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama" (Book Review) 미리보기
CHUANG, H. C. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
89 저널기사 Indonesian Monographs: A Catalogue of Monographs Publications 1945-1968 (Book Review) 미리보기
THUNG$ecomp Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
90 저널기사 BORG AND OKAMOTO, (eds., with the assist. of Finlayson), "Pearl Harbor as History: Japanese-American Relations, 1931-41" (Book Review) 미리보기
CROWLEY, JAMES B. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1975
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