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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 The C-H activation reaction of methane for all transition metal atoms from the three transition rows 미리보기
Wittborn, A. M. C American Institute of Physics 1980
42 저널기사 The excitation energy dependence of the Raman-Stokes shift: The resonance Raman spectra of phenol blue in methanol 미리보기
Yamaguchi, T American Institute of Physics 1980
43 저널기사 Normal, single-file, and dual-mode diffusion of binary adsorbate mixtures in AlPO~4-5 미리보기
Sholl, D. S American Institute of Physics 1980
44 저널기사 Violation of the weak noncrossing rule between totally symmetric closed-shell states in the valence-isoelectronic series O~3, S~3, SO~2, and S~2O 미리보기
Ivanic, J American Institute of Physics 1980
45 저널기사 Dimensional perturbation theory for vibration-rotation spectra of lineartriatomic molecules 미리보기
Suvernev, A. A American Institute of Physics 1980
46 저널기사 Finding transition states using contangency curves 미리보기
Ulitsky, A American Institute of Physics 1980
47 저널기사 Mean field theory of interpenetrating polymer network gels 미리보기
Schulz, M American Institute of Physics 1980
48 저널기사 Spectroscopic studies of the B ^2A"-X^2A" system of the jet-cooled vinoxy radical 미리보기
Brock, L. R American Institute of Physics 1980
49 저널기사 Stoichiometry-dependent deep levels in p-type InP 미리보기
Nishizawa, J.-I American Institute of Physics 1980
50 저널기사 The BRST operator of quantum symmetries: The quantum analogs of Donaldson invariants 미리보기
Hammou, A. B American Institute of Physics 1980
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