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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Systems approach to sound in porous media [20] 미리보기
Lambert, R. F American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
22 저널기사 Sound generation and air entrainment by breaking waves in the surf zone 미리보기
Deane, G. B American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
23 저널기사 The influence of low-frequency instrumentation response on rocket noise metrics 미리보기
McInerny, S. A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
24 저널기사 Water as a standard in the measurements of speed of sound in liquids 미리보기
Marczak, W American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
25 저널기사 On Rayleigh wave nonlinearity, and analytical approximation of the shockformation distance 미리보기
Knight, E. Y American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
26 저널기사 Space-time array processing: The model-based approach 미리보기
Sullivan, E. J American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
27 저널기사 Spontaneous otoacoustic emission frequency is modulated by heartbeat 미리보기
Long, G. R American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
28 저널기사 Study of woodwind-like systems through nonlinear differential equations.Part I. Simple geometry 미리보기
Barjau, A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
29 저널기사 Loudness of dynamic stimuli in acoustic and electric hearing 미리보기
Zhang, C American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
30 저널기사 Propagation of sound in a turbulent medium. I. Plane waves 미리보기
Ostashev, V. E American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
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