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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Effects of Communication, Information Overlap, and Behavioral Consistency on Consensus In Social Perception 미리보기
Malloy, T. E American Psychological Association 1980
22 저널기사 Looking for Truth in All the Wrong Places? Asymmetric Search of Individuating Information About Stereotyped Group Members 미리보기
Trope, Y American Psychological Association 1980
23 저널기사 The Self as a Mediator Between Personality and Adjustment 미리보기
Graziano, W. G American Psychological Association 1980
24 저널기사 Interpersonal Forgiving in Close Relationships 미리보기
McCullough, M. E American Psychological Association 1980
25 저널기사 Simultaneous Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Judgments of Self and Others 미리보기
Biernat, M American Psychological Association 1980
26 저널기사 When Self-Categorization Makes Sense: The Role of Meaningful Social Categorization in Minority and Majority Members' Self-Perception 미리보기
Simon, B American Psychological Association 1980
27 저널기사 Parental Divorce: Effects on Individual Behavior and Longevity 미리보기
Tucker, J. S American Psychological Association 1980
28 저널기사 Failure to Recognize the Effect of Implicit Social Influence on the Presentation of Self 미리보기
Vorauer, J. D American Psychological Association 1980
29 저널기사 How Would I Feel If...? Mood as Input to a Role Fulfillment Evaluation Process 미리보기
Martin, L. L American Psychological Association 1980
30 저널기사 Fear of Death and the Judgment of Social Transgressions: A Multidimensional Test of Terror Management Theory 미리보기
Florian, V American Psychological Association 1980
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
