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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
794건 중 500건 출력
8/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 The Dominance Effect in Concept Conjunctions: Generality and InteractionAspects 미리보기
Storms, G American Psychological Association 1980
72 저널기사 Source Discrimination, Item Detection, and Multinomial Models of Source Monitoring 미리보기
Bayen, U. J American Psychological Association 1980
73 저널기사 Two Loci of Repetition Priming in the Recognition of Familiar Faces 미리보기
Ellis, A. W American Psychological Association 1980
74 저널기사 Temporal Structure of Syntactic Parsing: Early and Late Event-Related Brain Potential Effects 미리보기
Friederici, A. D American Psychological Association 1980
75 저널기사 Repeated Events in Rapid Lists: Part 2. Remembering Repetitions 미리보기
Whittlesea, B. W. A American Psychological Association 1980
76 저널기사 Intrusive Cognitions: An Investigation of the Emotional Stroop Task 미리보기
McKenna, F. P American Psychological Association 1980
77 저널기사 Memory for Structural Information Across Eye Movements 미리보기
Carlson-Radvansky, L. A American Psychological Association 1980
78 저널기사 Turning Lies Into Truths: Referential Validation of Falsehoods 미리보기
Brown, A. S American Psychological Association 1980
79 저널기사 Multiple Lexical Codes in Reading: Evidence From Eye Movements, Naming Time, and Oral Reading 미리보기
Folk, J. R American Psychological Association 1980
80 저널기사 Practice Schedules and Subgoal Instantiation in Cascaded Problem Solving 미리보기
Carlson, R. A American Psychological Association 1980
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