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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Abnormal heart rate and body temperature in mice lacking thyroid hormonereceptor � 미리보기
Wikstroem, L Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
62 저널기사 Dynamic assembly of FtsZ regulated by GTP hydrolysis 미리보기
Mukherjee, A Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
63 저널기사 A centrosomal function for the human Nek2 protein kinase, a member of the NIMA family of cell cycle regulators 미리보기
Fry, A. M Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
64 저널기사 Budding yeast RSI1/APC2, a novel gene necessary for initiation of anaphase, encodes an APC subunit 미리보기
Kramer, K. M Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
65 저널기사 The coactivator TIF2 contains three nuclear receptor-binding motifs and mediates transactivation through CBP binding-dependent and -independent pathways 미리보기
Voegel, J. J Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
66 저널기사 The Cln3 cyclin is down-regulated by translational repression and degradation during the G~1 arrest caused by nitrogen deprivation in budding yeast 미리보기
Gallego, C Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
67 저널기사 A pathway distinct from the mammalian unfolded protein response regulates expression of endoplasmic reticulum chaperones in non-stressed cells 미리보기
Brewer, J. W Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
68 저널기사 Defective B cell receptor-mediated responses in mice lacking the Ets protein, Spi-B 미리보기
Su, G. H Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
69 저널기사 The tracheae defective gene encodes a bZIP protein that controls tracheal cell movement during Drosophila embryogenesis 미리보기
Eulenberg, K. G Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
70 저널기사 Lithium toxicity in yeast is due to the inhibition of RNA processing enzymes 미리보기
Dichtl, B Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
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