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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Synthesis of (2S)-2-amino-3-(2',6'-dibromo-4'-hydroxy)phenylpropionic acid (2,6-dibromo-L-tyrosine) 미리보기
Hasegawa, H Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
82 저널기사 Palladium-catalyzed total synthesis of the antibiotic carbazole alkaloids carbazomycin G and H 미리보기
Knoelker, H.-J Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
83 저널기사 Synthesis and metal-binding properties of [60]fullerene-linked calix[4]arenes: an approach to `exohedral metallofullerenes' 미리보기
Kawaguchi, M Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
84 저널기사 New carbon radical chemistry as a model for the biogenesis of the interiorin/kadsulignan type of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignan 미리보기
Green, S. P Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
85 저널기사 Alkoxide induced rearrangement of alkyl bromomethylphosphonamidates: steric influences on the direction of ring opening of the azaphosphiridine oxide intermediate 미리보기
Harger, M. J. P Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
86 저널기사 Regioselective Dieckmann cyclisations leading to enantiopure highly functionalised tetramic acid derivatives 미리보기
Andrews, M. D Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
87 저널기사 Synthesis of new bifunctional chelating agents: (1R^*,2R^*,4S^*)-4-isothiocyanatocyclohexane-1,2-diamine-N,N,N',N'-tetrakismethane-phosphonic acid (4-ICMP) and (1R^*,2R^*,4S^*)-4-isothiocyanatocyclohexane-1,2-diamine-N,N,N',N'-tetrakisethanephosphonic acid (4-ICEP) 미리보기
Loussouarn, A Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
88 저널기사 Trapping bicyclic titanacyclopentenes with bis(trichloromethyl) carbonate (BTC): a new method to bicyclic cyclopentenones 미리보기
Zhao, Z Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
89 저널기사 A catalytic and enantioselective cyclopropylation of aldehydes using dicyclopropylzinc 미리보기
Shibata, T Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
90 저널기사 Diastereoselective reactions of 1,1'-binaphthyl ester enolates with carbonyl electrophiles 미리보기
Ahn, M Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
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