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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
28건 중 28건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Slavery, Amenities, and Factor Price Equalization: A Note on Migration and Freedom 미리보기
GRAVES, PHILIP E. Academic Press 1983
22 저널기사 Industrialization and Productivity: Australian Manufacturing in the 1920s and 1950s 미리보기
HAIG, BRYAN D. Academic Press 1983
23 저널기사 On the Rational Origins of the Modern Centralized State 미리보기
BATCHELDER, RONALD W. Academic Press 1983
24 저널기사 English Living Standards, Population Growth, and Wrigley-Schofield 미리보기
LINDERT, PETER H. Academic Press 1983
25 저널기사 Land Fragmentation as an Index of History in the Virginia Military District of Ohio 미리보기
SOLTOW, LEE Academic Press 1983
26 저널기사 Steel Rails and American Railroads 1867-1880: Cost Minimizing Choice. A Comment on the Analysis of Atack and Brueckner 미리보기
HARLEY, C. KNICK Academic Press 1983
27 저널기사 To Annex or Not? A Tale of Two Towns: Evanston and Hyde Park 미리보기
CAIN, LOUIS P. Academic Press 1983
28 저널기사 Money Supply, Economic Growth, and the Quantity Theory of Money: France, 1650-1788 미리보기
RILEY, JAMES C. Academic Press 1983
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