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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 WHYTE, "The Industrial Potential of Rural Asia" (Book Review) 미리보기
NICKUM, JAMES E. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
102 저널기사 SHANGHAI COLLEGE OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE; O'CONNOR and BENSKY (trans., eds.), "Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text" (Book Review) 미리보기
SAWYER, RALPH D. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
103 저널기사 BUCHANAN, FITZGERALD, and RONAN, "China: The Land and the People: The History, the Art and the Science" (Book Review) 미리보기
DEMERITT, ROBERT Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
104 저널기사 LONG and KENDALL, "After Saigon Fell: Daily Life Under the Vietnamese Communists" (Book Review) 미리보기
DUIKER, WILLIAM J. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
105 저널기사 THEERAVIT and BROWN (eds.), "Indochina and Problems of Security and Stability in Southeast Asia" (Book Review) 미리보기
PORTER, GARETH Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
106 저널기사 GERNET, "Chine et Christianisme: Action et réaction" [China and Christianity: Action and reaction] (Book Review) 미리보기
WARD FAY, PETER Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
107 저널기사 COBEN and FERSTER, "Japanese Cloisonné: History, Technique, and Appreciation" (Book Review) 미리보기
WATERHOUSE, DAVID Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
108 저널기사 NAJITA and KOSCHMANN (eds.), "Conflict in Modern Japanese History: The Neglected Tradition" (Book Review) 미리보기
GORDON, ANDREW Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
109 저널기사 DOE, "A Warbler's Song in the Dusk: The Life and Work of Otomo Yakamochi" (Book Review) 미리보기
KERKHAM, ELEANOR Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
110 저널기사 HOROWITZ, "Coup Theories and Officers' Motives: Sri Lanka in Comparative Perspective" (Book Review) 미리보기
OBERST, ROBERT Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1983
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