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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
909건 중 500건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
301 저널기사 Can preliminary acreening of dyspeptic allow more effective use of investigational techniques?/ 미리보기
DAVENPORT,P.M British Medical Association 1985
302 저널기사 Effect of long term hormone replacement on plasnia prlctin conceutations in women agter oophorectomy/ 미리보기
BAROW, D. H British Medical Association 1985
303 저널기사 General practitioner participation in intranatal care in the Northern region in 1983/ 미리보기
MARSH, G. N British Medical Association 1985
304 저널기사 Mordihity and survival in neonates ventyilated for the respiratory distress syndrome/ 미리보기
GREENOUGH, ANNE British Medical Association 1985
305 저널기사 Occasional Review:Current results with orthotopic liver grafting i Cambridge/king'sCollege Hospital series/ 미리보기
WILLIAMS,ROGER British Medical Association 1985
306 저널기사 Right ventricular implantation of endometrial adenocarcinoma as a result of temporary pacing/ 미리보기
CHOW, JOSEPH S.F British Medical Association 1985
307 저널기사 Interaction of smoking and atopy in producing specific IgE antibody against a hapten protein conjugate/ 미리보기
VENABLES,K.M British Medical Association 1985
308 저널기사 Diagnosis by bronchoalveolar lavage of cause of pulmonary infiltrates in haematlolgical malignancies./ 미리보기
COSTABEL, U British Medical Association 1985
309 저널기사 Im pressions of medicine in Indea: provision of medical care: varied and variable. 미리보기
RICHARDS, TESSA British Medical Association 1985
310 저널기사 Unusual presentations of acanthosis ingricans and insulin resistance in a brother and sister/ 미리보기
RITCHIE, C.M British Medical Association 1985
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