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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
162건 중 162건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 The Road to Uruguay 미리보기
L. ALAN WINTERS ;; unknown 1990
92 저널기사 Saving and Rational Expectations: Evidence for the U.K. 미리보기
C. L. F. ATTFIELD;D. DEMERY;N. W. DUCK unknown 1990
93 저널기사 Investment in General Training: The Role of Information and Labour Mobility 미리보기
E. KATZ;A. ZIDERMAN; unknown 1990
94 저널기사 SHERMAN (ROGER). The Regulation of Monopoly 미리보기
Fenn P. ;; unknown 1990
95 저널기사 Union Wage Differentials, Product Market Influences and the Division of Rents 미리보기
M. B. STEWART ;; unknown 1990
96 저널기사 KADISH (ALON). Historians, Economists, and Economic History 미리보기
John Maloney ;; unknown 1990
97 저널기사 MOORE (BASIL J.). Horizontalists and Verticalists: The Macroeconomics of Credit Money 미리보기
bailey Roy E.;; unknown 1990
98 저널기사 GRIFFIN (KEITH). Alternative Strategies for Economic Development 미리보기
Robson P.;; unknown 1990
99 저널기사 CANTWELL (JOHN). Technological Innovation and Multinational Corporations 미리보기
unknown unknown 1990
100 저널기사 From central Planning to Market Economy: Some Microeconomic Issues 미리보기
HARE P. G. ;; unknown 1990
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