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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
159건 중 159건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Assessing the performance of analytical procedures: A best case scenario 미리보기
Wheeler, Stephen American Accounting Association 1990
12 저널기사 Market Manifestation Of Nonpublic Information Prior To Mergers : The Effect Of Ownership Structure 미리보기
Haw In-Mu Haw;Pastena Victor S;Lilien Steven B unknown 1990
13 저널기사 Assessing The Performance Of Analytical Procedures : A Best Case Scenario 미리보기
Wheeler Stephen;Pany Kurt ; unknown 1990
14 저널기사 Srivastava And Rebele, Eds., Auditing Symposium Ix : Proceedings Of The 1988 Touche Ross/University Of Kansasa Symposium On Auditing Problems 미리보기
Geiger Marshall A;; unknown 1990
15 저널기사 Accounting disclosures and the market's valuation of oil and gas properties: Evaluation of market 미리보기
Harris, Trevor S American Accounting Association 1990
16 저널기사 The effects of monetary incentives on effort and decision performance: The role of cognitive 미리보기
Awashti, Vidya American Accounting Association 1990
17 저널기사 Relative Measurement Errors In Valuing Plant And Equipment Under Current Cost And Replacement Cost 미리보기
Swanson Edward P;; unknown 1990
18 저널기사 The Effect Of Informedness And Consensus On Price And Volume Behavior 미리보기
Holthausen Robert W; Verrecchia Robert E; unknown 1990
19 저널기사 Economic Sufficiency And Statistical Sufficiency In The Aggregation Of Accounting Signals 미리보기
Amershi Amin H;Banker Rajiv D;Datar Srikant M unknown 1990
20 저널기사 Auditors' Assessments Of The Lokelohood Of Error Explanations In Analyticall Review 미리보기
Helman Vicky B ;; unknown 1990
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