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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
322건 중 322건 출력
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1990 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 The effects of state farm relief legislation on private lenders and borrowers: The experience of 미리보기
Rucker, Randal R American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
42 저널기사 Reflections on poverty 미리보기
Wharton Jr., Clifton R American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
43 저널기사 Implications of the structural adjustment experience in the developing world for Eastern Europe 미리보기
Rausser, Gordon C American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
44 저널기사 Access to capital and its impact on agrarian structure and productivity in Kenya 미리보기
Carter, Michael R American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
45 저널기사 Resource degradation in Africa and Latin America: Population pressure, policies, and property 미리보기
Southgate, Douglas American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
46 저널기사 Agricultural changes in Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 1990s 미리보기
Csaki, Csaba American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
47 저널기사 Empirical challenges in analyzing market performance in the U.S. food system 미리보기
Connor, John M American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
48 저널기사 Poverty, food intake, and malnutrition: Implications for food security in developing countries 미리보기
Schiff, Maurice American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
49 저널기사 Rural credit and the mix between permanent and temporary wage labor contracts in Pernambuco 미리보기
Anderson, Julie American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
50 저널기사 Arresting renewable resource degradation in the Third World: Discussion 미리보기
Crosson, Pierre American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
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