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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Underwood, Daniel A Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
92 저널기사 Julian Simon versus the Ehrlichs: An institutionalist perspective 미리보기
Swaney, James A Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
93 저널기사 Part-time work in Sweden: Trends and equality effects 미리보기
Sundstrom, Marianne Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
94 저널기사 Instrumental valuation indicators for natural resources and ecosystems 미리보기
Hayden, F. Gregory Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
95 저널기사 Capital goods production and technological learning: The case of Mexico 미리보기
James, Dilmus D Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
96 저널기사 The institutional conditions for technological change: Fiber to the home 미리보기
Loube, Robert Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
97 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
May, Anna Mari Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
98 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Harris, Joseph Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
99 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Spychalski, John C Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
100 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Kregel, J.A Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
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