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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
211건 중 211건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 RYMES (THOMAS K.). Keynes's Lectures, 1932-35 : Notes of a Representative Student 미리보기
Robert M. Solow;; unknown 1991
52 저널기사 REISMAN (DAVID). Alfred Marshall's Mission 미리보기
Collard, David A.;; unknown 1991
53 저널기사 MUELLER (DENNIS C.), (Ed). The Dynamics of Company Profits: An International Comparison 미리보기
R. Rothschschild;; unknown 1991
54 저널기사 CHICK (MARTIN), (Ed). Governments, Industries and Markets 미리보기
Graham Hall;; unknown 1991
55 저널기사 Rational Choice : A Survey of Contributions from Economics and Philosophy 미리보기
R. SUGDEN;; unknown 1991
56 저널기사 BROWNE (STEPHEN) Foreign Aid in Practice 미리보기
Sajal Lahiri;; unknown 1991
57 저널기사 MOKYR (JOEL). Twenty-Five Centuries of Technological change : An Historical Survey 미리보기
D. C. Coleman;; unknown 1991
58 저널기사 DARNELL (ADRIAN) and EVANS (J. LYNNE), (Eds). The Limits of Econometrics 미리보기
Adrian Pagan;; unknown 1991
59 저널기사 Fear, Unemployment and Pay Flexibility 미리보기
D. G. BLANCHFLOWER;; unknown 1991
60 저널기사 LAIRD (SAM) and YEATS (ALEXANDER). Quantitative Methods for Trade-Barrier Analysis 미리보기
Alan Winters, L.;; unknown 1991
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