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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
78건 중 78건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Cooke, An Empirical Study of Financial Disclosures by Swedish Companies 미리보기
JUDITH RAMAGLIA ;; unknown 1991
52 저널기사 A Perspective on Cognitive Research in Auditing 미리보기
ROBIN M. HOGARTH;; unknown 1991
53 저널기사 Bannock, Taxation in the European Community: The Small BusinessPerspective 미리보기
MARK A. SEGAL ;; unknown 1991
54 저널기사 Nobes, Interpreting European Financial Statements: Towards 1992 미리보기
LEE H. RADEBAUGH ;; unknown 1991
55 저널기사 Boritz, Approaches to Dealing with Risk and uncertainty 미리보기
JOHN P. WENDELL ;; unknown 1991
56 저널기사 Gaffikin, Accounting Methodology and the Work of R. J. Chambers 미리보기
JOSEPH H. ANTHONY;; unknown 1991
57 저널기사 A Perspective on the Experimental Analysis of Taxpayer Reporting 미리보기
JAMES ALM;; unknown 1991
58 저널기사 A Perspective on Accounting and Stock Prices 미리보기
MICHAEL J. BRENNAN;; unknown 1991
59 저널기사 Thierauf, Expert Systems in Finance and Accounting 미리보기
TERRY L. CAMPBELL ;; unknown 1991
60 저널기사 Stalk and Hout, Competing Against Time-How Time-Based Competition is Reshaping global Markets 미리보기
ALFRED J. NANNI;JR. ; unknown 1991
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