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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
87건 중 87건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 The relation of judgment, personal involvement, and experience in the audit of bank loans 미리보기
Jeffrey, Cynthia American Accounting Association 1992
2 저널기사 Non-linearity and specification problems in unexpected earnings response regression model 미리보기
Cheng, C.S. Agnes American Accounting Association 1992
3 저널기사 Accounting recognition and the relevance of earnings as an explanatory variable for returns 미리보기
Warfield, Terry D American Accounting Association 1992
4 저널기사 A comment on `The Valuation of R&D Firms with R&D Limited Partnerships' 미리보기
Cheung, Joseph K American Accounting Association 1992
5 저널기사 Overhead allocation and incentives for cost minimization in defense procurement 미리보기
Rogerson, William P American Accounting Association 1992
6 저널기사 The impact of annual earnings announcements on convergence of beliefs 미리보기
Brown, Lawrence D American Accounting Association 1992
7 저널기사 A reply to `A Comment on `The Valuation of R&D Firms with R&D Limited Partnerships'' 미리보기
Shevlin, Terry American Accounting Association 1992
8 저널기사 The valuation of the deferred tax liability: Evidence from the stock market 미리보기
Givoly, Dan American Accounting Association 1992
9 저널기사 The effect of experience on the auditor's organization and amount of knowledge 미리보기
Tubbs, Richard M American Accounting Association 1992
10 저널기사 The effect of ex ante earnings uncertainty on earnings response coefficients 미리보기
Imhoff Jr., Eugene A American Accounting Association 1992
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