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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Investor reaction to disclosures of 1974-75 LIFO adoption decisions 미리보기
Jennings, Ross American Accounting Association 1992
12 저널기사 Economic consequences of SFAS no. 33--an insider-trading perspective 미리보기
Odaiyappa, Ramasamy American Accounting Association 1992
13 저널기사 Budgetary participation and managerial performance: The impact of information and environmental 미리보기
Kren, Leslie American Accounting Association 1992
14 저널기사 Tax planning, earnings management, and the differential information content of bank earnings 미리보기
Warfield, Terry D American Accounting Association 1992
15 저널기사 Determinants of audit quality in the public sector 미리보기
Deis Jr., Donald R American Accounting Association 1992
16 저널기사 Market segmentation and the association between municipal financial disclosure and net interest 미리보기
Feroz, Ehsan H American Accounting Association 1992
17 저널기사 A reply to a comment on the proper use of residuals in the Patell's squared unexpected return 미리보기
Stice, Earl K American Accounting Association 1992
18 저널기사 Analysts' use of information about permanent and transitory earnings components in forecasting 미리보기
Ali, Ashiq American Accounting Association 1992
19 저널기사 Taxes and organizational form: A comparison of corporations and master limited partnerships 미리보기
Guenther, David A American Accounting Association 1992
20 저널기사 The stock market reaction to performance plan adoptions 미리보기
Gaver, Jennifer J American Accounting Association 1992
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