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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
87건 중 87건 출력
8/9 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Cost allocation in multiagent settings 미리보기
Rajan, Madhav V American Accounting Association 1992
72 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Bernard, Victor L American Accounting Association 1992
73 저널기사 Cost manipulation incentives under cost reimbursement: Pension costs for defense contracts 미리보기
Thomas, Jacob K American Accounting Association 1992
74 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Jeter, Debra C American Accounting Association 1992
75 저널기사 Working-paper order effects and auditor's going-concern decisions 미리보기
Ricchiute, David N American Accounting Association 1992
76 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Mulford, Charles W American Accounting Association 1992
77 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Giroux, Gary American Accounting Association 1992
78 저널기사 A perspective on the use of laboratory market experimentation in auditing research 미리보기
Boatsman, James R American Accounting Association 1992
79 저널기사 The effect of antitrust investigations on discretionary accruals: A refined test of the 미리보기
Cahan, Steve F American Accounting Association 1992
80 저널기사 Market perceptions of reserve disclosures under SFAS No. 69 미리보기
Clinch, Greg American Accounting Association 1992
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