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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
89건 중 89건 출력
2/9 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 An economic manufacturing quantity model with learning effects 미리보기
Cheng, T. C. E. Elsevier 1992
12 저널기사 Local search algorithms for flow shop scheduling with fuzzy due dates 미리보기
Ishibuchi, H.;Yamamoto, N.;Misaki, S.;Tanaka, H. Elsevier 1992
13 저널기사 Quality of services "applicable to production?" 미리보기
Govers, C. P. M. Elsevier 1992
14 저널기사 Progress on developing a framework for computer aided production management 미리보기
Bonney, M. C.;Head, M. A. Elsevier 1992
15 저널기사 An integrated approach to the layout of flexible transfer lines (FTLs): Buffer Stocks Allocation 미리보기
Abdel-Malek, L.;Tang, C. Elsevier 1992
16 저널기사 Group technology concepts as applied to flexible manufacturing systems 미리보기
Radharamanan, R. Elsevier 1992
17 저널기사 A multiple criteria approach to machine selection for flexible manufacturing systems 미리보기
Myint, S.;Tabucanon, M. T. Elsevier 1992
18 저널기사 Optimal sequence of partial inspections subject to errors 미리보기
Liou, M. J.;Tseng, S. T.;Lin, T. M. Elsevier 1992
19 저널기사 Quality control through lot sizing for items sold with warranty 미리보기
Djamaludin, I.;Murthy, D. N. P.;Wilson, R. J. Elsevier 1992
20 저널기사 Sensitivity analysis on CUSUM method 미리보기
Radharamanan, R.;Galelli, A.;Alex, D. T.;Perez, L. L. Elsevier 1992
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