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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
89건 중 89건 출력
8/9 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Production control in engineer-to-order firms 미리보기
Bertrand, J. W. M.;Muntslag, D. R. Elsevier 1992
72 저널기사 Simulation of pull type manufacturing system for evaluating maintenance planning 미리보기
Durmusoglu, S. Elsevier 1992
73 저널기사 Manufacturing flexibility and profitability 미리보기
Olhager, J. Elsevier 1992
74 저널기사 Manpower capacity planning - A hierarchical approach 미리보기
Wild, B.;Schneeweiss, C. Elsevier 1992
75 저널기사 Some unsolved problems in data envelopment analysis: A survey 미리보기
Olesen, O. B. Elsevier 1992
76 저널기사 Non-frontier measures of efficiency, progress and regress for time series data 미리보기
Tulkens, H.; Vanden Eeckaut, P. Elsevier 1992
77 저널기사 Linked-cone DEA profit ratios and technical efficiency with application to Illinois coal mines 미리보기
Thompson, R. G.; Dharmapala, P. S.; Thrall, R. M. Elsevier 1992
78 저널기사 Incentives and productivity measurements: Reply 미리보기
Bogetoft, P. Elsevier 1992
79 저널기사 Productivity and quality changes in Swedish pharmacies: Reply 미리보기
Faere, R.; Grosskopf, S.; Roos, P. Elsevier 1992
80 저널기사 Incorporating quality into data envelopment analysis: A stochastic dominance approach 미리보기
Olesen, O. B.; Petersen, N. C. Elsevier 1992
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