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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
62건 중 62건 출력
6/7 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
1992 삭제
중앙도서관 삭제


열거형 테이블형
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 연속간행물 The Electrochemical Society interface 미리보기
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Electrochemical Society The Society 1992-
52 연속간행물 中國學論叢 = Journal of sinology 미리보기
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한국중국문화학회 [편] 한국중국문화학회 1992-
53 연속간행물 Journal of agricultural and resource economics 미리보기
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Western Agricultural Economics Association Western Agricultural Economics Association 1992-
54 연속간행물 Demokratizatsiya:the journal of post-soviet democratization 미리보기
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55 연속간행물 Journal of microelectromechanical systems:a joint IEEE and ASME publication on microstructures, microactuators, microsensors, and microsystems 미리보기
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1992-
56 연속간행물 博物館硏究論集 = Bakmulkwanyungunonmunjip: Journal of Municipal Museum of Pusan 미리보기
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釜山廣域市立博物館 釜山廣域市立博物館 1992- URL
57 연속간행물 International journal of plant sciences 미리보기
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University of Chicago Press 1992-
58 연속간행물 Journal of cost management 미리보기
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Warren, Gorham & Lamont of Lia 1992-
59 연속간행물 The Journal of investing : a publication of Institutional Investor, Inc 미리보기
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Institutional Investor journals Institutional Investor, Inc 1992-
60 연속간행물 マンション学 미리보기
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日本マンション学会学術委員会 編 日本マンション学会: 民事法研究会[制作,發賣] 1992-
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