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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Comparison of the Lateral Diffusion Constant of Hepatocyte Membrane Proteins in Two Wild Mouse Strains of Considerably Different Longevity: FRAP Studies on Liver Smears 미리보기
Zs.-Nagy, I. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
12 저널기사 Effects of Age and Exercise Training on Size and Composition of the Rat Left Main Coronary Artery 미리보기
Julin, C. M. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
13 저널기사 Aging and the Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Metoprolol Enantiomers in the Rat 미리보기
Vermeulen, A. M. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
14 저널기사 Changes in Functional Status and the Risks of Subsequent Nursing Home Placement and Death 미리보기
Wolinsky, F. D. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
15 저널기사 Conjugal Support: Factor Structure for Older Husbands and Wives 미리보기
Anderson, T. B. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
16 저널기사 Identifying Elderly Patients for Early Discharge After Hospitalization for Hip Fracture 미리보기
Ensberg, M. D. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
17 저널기사 Social Support and Caregiving Burden in Family Caregivers of Frail Elders 미리보기
Thompson, E. H. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
18 저널기사 Driving Cessation and Changes in Mileage Driven Among Elderly Individuals 미리보기
Marottoli, R. A. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
19 저널기사 Acute Delirium and Functional Decline in the Hospitalized Elderly Patient 미리보기
Murray, A. M. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
20 저널기사 Construction and Validation of the Reminiscence Functions Scale 미리보기
Dean Webster, J. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1993
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