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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
89건 중 89건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Influences of Past History on the Incidence of Youth Unemployment: Empirical Findings for the UK 미리보기
Narendranathan, W. BLACKWELL 1993
82 저널기사 Economic Policies and Performance Under Alternative Trade Regimes: Latin America During the 1980s 미리보기
Nogues, J.; Gulati, S. Blackwell 1993
83 저널기사 Economic Liberalisation in Eastern Europe: Problems and Prospects 미리보기
Bleaney, M. Blackwell 1993
84 저널기사 Economic Incentives and Accounting Choice Strategy by Nonprofit Hospitals 미리보기
Robbins, W. A. BLACKWELL 1993
85 저널기사 Models of Self-Employment in a Competitive Market 미리보기
De Wit, G. BLACKWELL 1993
86 저널기사 Australasian Economic Modelling Conference 1992 미리보기
Roberts, C. BLACKWELL 1993
87 저널기사 ARCH Models: Properties, Estimation and Testing 미리보기
Bera, A. K. BLACKWELL 1993
88 저널기사 Speculative Currency Attacks and Balance of Payments Crises 미리보기
Blackburn, K. BLACKWELL 1993
89 저널기사 Rural-Urban Migration in Economic Development 미리보기
Bhattacharya, P. C. BLACKWELL 1993
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