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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Seasonal growth pattern of an Icelandic Laminaria population (section Simplices, Laminariaceae, Phaeophyta) containing solid- and hollow-stiped plants 미리보기
Sjoetun, K Cambridge University Press 1993
82 저널기사 Destructive hydrogen peroxide production in Eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophyta) during stress caused by elevated pH, high light intensities and competition with other species 미리보기
Mtolera, M. S. P Cambridge University Press 1993
83 저널기사 The 1996 Founders' Lecture: Potamoplankters do it on the side 미리보기
Reynolds, C. S Cambridge University Press 1993
84 저널기사 Host-specificity of Endophyton ramosum (Chlorophyta), the causative agent of green patch disease in Mazzaella laminarioides (Rhodophyta) 미리보기
Sanchez, P. C Cambridge University Press 1993
85 저널기사 Lectin binding of flagellar scale-associated glycoproteins in different strains of Tetraselmis (Chlorophyta) 미리보기
Becker, B Cambridge University Press 1993
86 저널기사 Sterolic biomarkers in marine phytoplankton. I. Free and conjugated sterols of Pavlova lutheri (Haptophyta) 미리보기
Veron, B Cambridge University Press 1993
87 저널기사 Molecular and morphological characters distinguishing two Porphyra species (Rhodophyta: Bangiophycidae) 미리보기
Brodie, J Cambridge University Press 1993
88 저널기사 Seasonal nitrogen metabolism in an intertidal population of Gelidium latifolium (Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyta) 미리보기
Rico, J. M Cambridge University Press 1993
89 저널기사 Mechanisms affecting macroalgal zonation in the northern Baltic Sea 미리보기
Kiirikki, M Cambridge University Press 1993
90 저널기사 Toxicity effects of copper (II) on the marine dinoflagellate Amphidiniumcarterae: Influence of metal speciation 미리보기
Lage, O. M Cambridge University Press 1993
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