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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Fixing soft margins 미리보기
Kofman, P. ELSEVIER 1993
22 저널기사 Channels of international policy transmission 미리보기
Van der Ploeg, F. ELSEVIER 1993
23 저널기사 General equilibrium and international trade with exhaustible resources 미리보기
Van Geldrop, J. H. ELSEVIER 1993
24 저널기사 Voluntary export restraints and rationing: U.K. leather footwear imports from Eastern Europe 미리보기
Brenton, P. A. ELSEVIER 1993
25 저널기사 Stochastic trade policy with asset markets: The role of tariff structure 미리보기
Barari, M. ELSEVIER 1993
26 저널기사 Can government purchases explain the recent U.S. net export deficits? 미리보기
Yi, K.-M. ELSEVIER 1993
27 저널기사 Testing the imports-as-market-discipline hypothesis 미리보기
Levinsohn, J. ELSEVIER 1993
28 저널기사 OECD imports and trade barriers in 1983 미리보기
Harrigan, J. ELSEVIER 1993
29 저널기사 Learning about intervention target zones 미리보기
Klein, M. W. ELSEVIER 1993
30 저널기사 Welfare analysis of tariff change with and without international transfers 미리보기
Nakanishi, N. ELSEVIER 1993
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