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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
411 저널기사 The association between audit quality, retained ownership, and firm-specific risk in U.S. vs. Canadian IPO markets 미리보기
Clarkson, P. M. ELSEVIER 1993
412 저널기사 How strongly do developing economies benefit from equipment investment? 미리보기
Bradford De Long, J. ELSEVIER 1993
413 저널기사 Meltzer on Keynes 미리보기
Patinkin, D. ELSEVIER 1993
414 저널기사 Underwriter price support and the IPO underpricing puzzle 미리보기
Ruud, J. S. ELSEVIER 1993
415 저널기사 Portfolio return autocorrelation 미리보기
Mech, T. S. ELSEVIER 1993
416 저널기사 Capital structure and firm response to poor performance: An empirical analysis 미리보기
Ofek, E. ELSEVIER 1993
417 저널기사 Is the ex ante risk premium always positive? A new approach to testing conditional asset pricing models 미리보기
Boudoukh, J. ELSEVIER 1993
418 저널기사 Stealth trading and volatility: Which trades move prices? 미리보기
Barclay, M. J. ELSEVIER 1993
419 저널기사 The seasonal behavior of the liquidity premium in asset pricing 미리보기
Eleswarapu, V. R. ELSEVIER 1993
420 저널기사 Investments of uncertain cost 미리보기
Pindyck, R. S. ELSEVIER 1993
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
