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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Bargaining and Value 미리보기
Hart, S. Mas-Colell, A. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
42 저널기사 Report on the Activities of the Australasian Standing Committee of the Econometric Society 미리보기
Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
43 저널기사 Maximization and the Act of Choice 미리보기
Sen, A. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
44 저널기사 Program of the Fourteenth Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society 미리보기
Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
45 저널기사 Program of the 1996 European Meeting of the Econometric Society 미리보기
Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
46 저널기사 Duopoly Strategies Programmed by Experienced Players 미리보기
Selten, R. Uhlich, G. R. Mitzkewitz, M. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
47 저널기사 The Nash Bargaining Theory with Non-Convex Problems 미리보기
Zhou, L. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
48 저널기사 On "Reputation" Refinements with Heterogeneous Beliefs 미리보기
Battigalli, P. Watson, J. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
49 저널기사 Instrumental Variables Regression with Weak Instruments 미리보기
Stock, J. H. Staiger, D. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
50 저널기사 Collusion under Asymmetric Information 미리보기
Martimort, D. Laffont, J.-J. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1993
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