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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
77건 중 77건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 The optimal degree of competition and dynamic efficiency in Japan and Korea 미리보기
Amsden, A.;Singh, A. North-Holland 1993
62 저널기사 Exchange rates, inflation and structural change: An introduction 미리보기
De Menil, G.;Gordon, R. J. North-Holland 1993
63 저널기사 Trading blocs and the Americas: The natural, the unnatural, and the super-natural 미리보기
Frankel, J.;Stein, E.;Wei, S.-J. North-Holland 1993
64 저널기사 Growth and convergence in Colombia: 1950-1990 미리보기
Cardenas, M.;Ponton, A. North-Holland 1993
65 저널기사 Mexico after the debt crisis: Is growth sustainable? 미리보기
Oks, D.;Van Wijnbergen, S. North-Holland 1993
66 저널기사 Inflationary bias and state-owned financial institutions 미리보기
Novaes, W.;Werlang, S. North-Holland 1993
67 저널기사 Credibility of trade policy reform and investment: The Mexican experience 미리보기
Ibarra, L. A. North-Holland 1993
68 저널기사 Targeting the real exchange rate: Theory and evidence 미리보기
Calvo, G. A.;Reinhart, C. M.;Vegh, C. A. North-Holland 1993
69 저널기사 Regulation of commuter railways and spatial development 미리보기
Kanemoto, Y.; Kiyono, K. North Holland 1993
70 저널기사 Independent and joint provision of optional public services 미리보기
Tsukahara, K. North Holland 1993
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